The bones of the nursery are really starting to come together, and the different areas are taking shape. It has been a fine balance prioritising which areas need the work in this first year, with much to do and a very ambitious eye on opening next April. Our biggest task has been clearing the land and Shane aka ‘The diggerman’ has been our saviour. Fuelled with piping hot Yorkshire tea and bacon sarnies he has transformed Cliff Bank with his trusty 4-tonne excavator. I knew we were onto a winner in the early stages when he picked up a 7cm pot containing a Dactylorhiza and popped it in my hand with the digger bucket like he was passing me a chocolate digestive at tea break. A truly skilled man, the digger is an extension of his limbs, it has been a pleasure to watch. The working and sales area are now a blank canvass that we can build upon and the carpark is finished giving us so much more room, mainly to fill with plants before we get the stock areas sorted.